School Prints campaign ‘will tell black children they should expect to see themselves in galleries’ A project that will place work by six prominent black artists in schools has the potential to transform how children think about art and who can be an artist, according to its participants. The Hepworth […]

Threat of action follows UK moves to unilaterally delay implementation of part of deal relating to Northern Ireland Brussels has warned it will launch legal action “very soon” following a move by the UK to unilaterally delay implementation of part of the Brexit deal relating to Northern Ireland. The European […]

Loyalist Communities Council warns of ‘strength of feeling’ over border checks but says protests about Northern Ireland Protocol should stay peaceful A body that claims to represent loyalist paramilitary organisations has told Boris Johnson the outlawed groups are withdrawing support for Northern Ireland’s historic peace agreement. The Loyalist Communities Council […]

First minister admits mistake over official’s appointment but rejects ‘absurd’ idea of plot against predecessor Nicola Sturgeon has rejected the “absurd” allegation the Scottish government plotted to destroy Alex Salmond’s reputation but admitted it made serious mistakes in its investigation into complaints against him. The first minister said her government […]