A pub landlord had to be restrained after getting into an angry clash with Sir Keir Starmer over the COVID-19 lockdown.
#COVID19 is spreading across the country, putting many at risk and placing pressure on the NHS.
Get the latest information from the WHO about coronavirus
Your relationship with family should always be more important than your relationship with alcohol.
From today there are new rules for passengers coming into the UK.Travellers will need to share contact details, travel information, and self-isolate for 14 days or they may incur a fine.Read more: http://gov.uk/uk-border-control
Get help for #DomesticAbuse. Call 999 if in immediate danger.If you can’t speak and are calling from a mobile, listen to the operator and, when prompted, dial 55 to connect to the police, who will help.Find support: gov.uk/domestic-abuse#YouAreNotAlone